Landscape Committee

Karl Kramer, Chairperson

Valerie Bruce

Erin Andrade

Kathy Miller
The Landscape Committee serves in an advisory role to the Board. The goal is to communicate community needs to the Lake Village Community Association Board of Directors. Their primary role is not to establish policies, but rather to provide information and options to enable the Board to make fully informed decisions for the common good of the Association. This is accomplished in two ways. The first is common area inspections to look for possible ways to improve and enhance common areas. The second is to review potential landscape improvements, propose changes or maintenance issues and make recommendations to the Board.
Design Considerations
The design guidelines require that the existing footprint and design is maintained in all general common areas and that all new plantings and design considerations blend into and complement the overall style and intention of the Lake Village community. The Board is solely responsible for contracting with venders and contractors.
Issues the Landscape Committee consider include:
- Existing vegetation and general design
- Ecological composition of the environment
- Preservation of existing mature trees, shrubs, and plants
- Shade, sun, wind, drought, soil conditions, water conservation, animal-resistant plants
- Ease and cost of maintenance/budget
- Impact of growth of plants along with any additions/removals
Recommendations to the Board include cost analysis, design plans, drawings, pictures, etc.
Turf Replacement Program
The Association’s Landscape Committee headed up a Turf Replacement program to replace costly grass sections with drought resistant plants, indigenous and complimentary to our wildlife habitat. The Committee took advantage of funding through a grant awarded by Rancho California Water District (RCWD), in partnership with the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) and the Department of Water Resources (DWR). The agencies invited Homeowners’ Associations to leverage their money and resources by cost-sharing on turf removal projects to help mitigate the effects of California’s historic drought. The Grant provided up to $2 per square foot of turf removed. The net cost to our Association in implementing the project was less than $2,000.